Solar Quotes Blog
Time’s Up for Victoria’s 66c Feed-In-Tariff: What You Need To Know
Victoria’s Premium Feed-in Tariff (PFiT), once offering a hefty 66 cents per kilowatt-hour for excess solar power generated by systems installed between late 2009 and the end of 2011, is coming to an end.
From Wild West to Safe & Sound: The Evolution of Australian Solar
This article is for anyone who feels nostalgic about the early days of solar. Whether you own an old system or are an installer working on one, you might be thinking about how to maintain or upgrade it. We’ll look back at the past and see how much has changed, highlighting the improvements that have made solar installations safer and more efficient over the years.
Australian Solar Standards, Regulations, Rules & Guidelines Explained
Whenever we discuss new rules or solar standards on the SolarQuotes blog, we invariably get comments asking if these rules apply to the commenter’s situation.
This blog explains the hierarchy of national standards, state regulations, DNSP rules and SAA guidelines and what that means for everyone buying, using and especially working with solar energy.
What to Expect from Your Solar Inspector
Hi there! I’m Pat Southwell, and I’ve been a Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) in Victoria for nearly three years. If you’re a Victorian reader, you’re likely aware that all solar installations in our state are inspected. If you’re outside Victoria, you might still experience inspections through the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) or other state government programs. These inspections are likely similar in scope, though they may not always be performed by trained or qualified inspectors—another tick for Victoria.
Hidden Defects in Solar Battery Installations: What Inspectors Look For
Solar battery installation inspections are essential. They ensure systems are safe, compliant, and function optimally. While my previous blog outlined the common defects found during battery inspections, this instalment will focus on harder-to-spot issues that are often missed.
Four Things You Should Check Before Your Solar Installers Leave
Welcome back to our monthly chat. I’m Pat from Southwell Solar Inspections. In my line of work, I get to chat with system owners after the solar installation team has packed up and moved on. It’s a unique chance to hear how the system is running once the initial excitement has faded.
Top 5 Solar Installation Mistakes From Not Reading The Instructions
Installing solar systems is more than just a job; it involves a deep understanding of numerous Australian standards and guidelines. Among these, AS3000 – The Australian Wiring Rules – stands out as the master standard for electrical work. Among a zillion other things, it mandates that all equipment installations adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions.
From Sarking to Insulation: Hidden Solar Installation Blunders
When you get solar installed, any sub-standard work done in the roof cavity is hidden away — out of sight and out of mind — until the inevitable repercussions start to rear their ugly heads.